
featureOS create post API


This endpoint allows you to create a new post in your organization.



Parameter Default Description
API-KEY-Generate from organization settings on the admin dashboard.
ALLOW-PRIVATEfalseSet to true if filtering out a private board’s posts.
Authorization-Generate a unique JWT token that is specific to a user

Body Parameters

Parameter Required Format Description
titletrueStringThe title of the post. Also used to generate the slug.
descriptionfalseTextThe description of the post. HTML is allowed.
attachments[]falseFileUpload up to 5 images that will be added to the end of the description. Each image can be either a 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png' or 'gif' file and a max size of 10 MB.
bucket_idtrueIntegerThe ID of the bucket returned in the list buckets endpoint. Needs ALLOW-PRIVATE header to be set if it is a private board ID.

Sample response

  "id": 4230,
  "slug": "hello-world",
  "title": "Hello world",
  "preview": "",
  "description": null,
  "description_html": null,
  "status": "Submitted",
  "url": "",
  "approval_status": "approved",
  "submitter": {
    "name": "Swathy",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "bucket": {
    "id": 14,
    "name": "API"
  "votes_count": 0,
  "downvotes_count": 0,
  "comments_count": 0,
  "created_at": "2021-10-21T10:58:30.000Z",
  "updated_at": "2021-10-21T10:58:31.000Z"
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