
featureOS update customers API


The featureOS update customers API allows you to update information about your customers by their email address.



Parameter Default Description
API-KEY-Generate from organization settings on the admin dashboard.
Authorization-Generate a unique JWT token specific to a user.

Query Parameters

Parameter Format Required Description
emailStringtrueCustomer's email address
blockedBooleanfalseBlock the customer from accessing the organization
labelsArrayfalseArray of labels to be added to the customer.
starredBooleanfalseSet to true to star the customer.
custom_fieldsJSON ObjectfalseEach field should be a key-value pair. To update an attribute, please provide the complete set of Key-Value pairs in the existing data, rather than only the specific attribute you wish to modify. This ensures that all necessary information is available for a successful update.

Sample Response

  "id": 9116912321,
  "name": "Developer",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "blocked": false,
  "post_count": 1,
  "votes_count": 1,
  "comments_count": 2,
  "member_since": "about 1 year",
  "created_at": "2021-06-29T11:19:08.000Z",
  "starred": true,
  "labels": ["DEV ", "RUBY"],
  "custom_fields": {
    "kind": "Vendor"
  "profile_picture": null
Add Customers